Art is supposed to be good for our mental health. So why do we find ourselves, despite wanting to make art, doing anything but? Staying on the sofa night after night, bingeing on Netflix or scrolling through social media? Why does something that I know I enjoy feel so hard to do?
How can I get back into making art with the kind of joy I need to feel?
How can I create an art practice that feels like fun again?
I believe if I'm avoiding my art space, it's not that I'm a lazy procrastinator. Rather, my lack of action is a sign that my creative practice is no longer healthy. I can't thrive with any unhealthy creative practice, and I can't make my best art in that environment either.

This course is designed to help you restore the joyful, playful fun that you originally felt while painting, so that you can make the art you're meant to make. Art that helps you feel good in the making is art that comes alive, and helps you come alive as well.

In this course we’ll explore some of the common struggles that keep artists from freedom and joy in their work. We’ll work together to develop strategies for getting back on track when you start to slide into self-criticism, perfectionism, and discouragement, and you’ll find yourself discovering that there really is great art inside of you!
There is a shift that happens in many artists' journeys that transforms your work and your way of thinking about what you're creating. If you truly want to make art and want to find your way through this mental block that seems to be holding you back, it can be done, and you can do it. Let's work through this together!

About Back to the Brush:
This course is a six week course focused on mindset, with a watercolor component and exercises that you can apply to your artistic practice. This is not a "how to paint" course but rather, one focused on the inner dialogue that holds many artists back from creating with freedom and joy.
If you've spent all kinds of money on classes to help you paint with greater skill, on art supplies to bring your paintings to life, but you still feel frustrated and limited, an investment in your artistic mindset might be the best decision you make this year. Join Back to the Brush today!